“97% of parents say there is a good range of subjects available for my child at this school”

Our Intent

At Powerstock we provide an exciting set of learning experiences which gives all our pupils the essential “sticky” knowledge and the skills for learning and flourishing in our constantly changing 21st century.  Our curriculum is ambitious and exciting although we understand the challenges that many children face, we help each and every child achieve their best.  Our vision, Learning Together to be the Best that we can be, is the root of our aim for all children.  The curriculum is delivered in an environment of whole school active well-being, where healthy choices are at the heart of our “ready for learning” culture.  Pupils with special needs are carefully considered by experienced staff as part of our whole class teaching.  Our teachers are all committed, knowledgeable and have extensive experience of SEND.   Please see our Equality information and SEND reports to see how we embed these aspects into each child’s school experience.  Our aim is to secure the very best outcomes for each child.



We are a very small school but we are lucky to have Reception, KS1 and KS2 spread over three small classes.  The teachers all have their areas of expertise; they ensure that each subject receives equal attention and focus and plan together as a team to ensure that children experience a wide and interesting curriculum across the school. The core subjects of Mathematics and English are taught in the mornings, but are creatively linked to all the other subjects we teach through our termly topics.  


Our children make good progress from their individual starting points.  This may be in line with expected age-related expectations laid down by the DfE or with our own school tracking system.  This means that through our individualised learning approach, children learn to read, write and get started with maths to the best of their ability.  This year 100% of our Reception children will achieve their Early Learning Goals!  In maths, most children across the school are in line or exceeding national progress data.  Our reading and writing are also improving as a result of focus through our school development plan and we are pleased to see an increase in progress and attainment in each class.

Our tracking system shows how children make progress developmentally and achieve many aims that aren’t recognised by government data but are so important towards preparation for the next steps!  These measures include resilience, independence, responsibility and really capture the attributes needed to become well rounded and robust to face the challenges of the 21st century.