Our School Day
The school day starts at 8.45am with registration promptly at 9am and finishes at 3:30pm which amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
We have a daily act of worship either first thing in the morning or at the end of the school day. On Wednesdays, we walk the children to Church for our weekly service and once every term, these are family services when parents attend. Every Friday afternoon we have Celebration Worship for pupils; parents are warmly invited to attend.
Morning Playtimes
Children have a morning break from 10:30 to 10:45am. Healthy snacks are encouraged to be eaten at break time.
All children have their lunch at 12:15pm, then go out to play until 1:15pm.
Lunches are eaten in the Hut (Village Hall), supervised by our helpful and friendly lunchtime supervisors. Hot school meals are provided by Local Food Links and costs £2.40 per meal. Currently, meals can be ordered via the school office or online via Local Food Links website. Parents may of course also choose to send their child to school with a healthy packed lunch each day.
Drop-off and collection
The playground is open to parents at the beginning and end of the day. From 8:45am, the playground and classrooms are open and parents may drop-off their children. The playground reopens at 3.30pm for collection. Pupils will be brought out by their teachers who will then be available to talk to or pass on messages — this is vital in building close relationships between parents and school as we want to have good links with all parents.
If normal arrangements have to be altered (e.g. you are delayed or another person is collecting your child) please let the office know. This avoids any confusion or upset. You can always make an appointment to see a teacher, however and there is a weekly drop-in session with Mr. Harris on Tuesdays from 9.30am — 10.30am.
Getting to School
Parking is restricted in front of school during drop-off and collection times but is available up and down the road from the school, however the village ‘3 Horseshoes’ pub has kindly given permission for parents to use their car park at drop off and pick up times.
There is also a bus that runs from Bridport through to Powerstock each morning and returns in the afternoons. Please contact the office if this would be a useful option.