Personal Development

At Powerstock School our aim is to provide a safe, happy learning environment, so that every child can thrive..  Our school vision is “Learning together to be the best you can be”, underpinned by John 10:10 – Living life in all its fullness.  Our school ethos promotes the Whole Child and our teaching and learning embraces this to the full.  

We know that personal development is essential to all successes and we hold this element of the growing and learning child central to our approach.  We work hard to provide a rich and broad curriculum, extending it to reach outside the classroom, after school.  

Our school is outward looking and ambitious and pupils enjoy learning about the religious backgrounds, views and cultures of their peers and the wider community and world.  Children are keen to share their own experiences with others to help them learn.

In addition to these lessons, we aim to provide children with a number of opportunities to:

  • build self-confidence and provide a wide range of experiences designed to encourage them to make safe and healthy choices;
  • develop them to become happy, inquisitive, enthusiastic learners who are not afraid to make mistakes and learn from them;
  • develop socially adept and articulate children with an awareness of the world and a respect and tolerance for others;
  • prepare them for the next stage in their lives with a range of high quality literacy, numeracy, computing and life skills.

Our approach to personal development covers several strands which you can find out more about by clicking on the links below:


British Values

Protected characteristics

Spiritual Moral Cultural Social SMSC

Curriculum including PSHE and SRE

Flourishing 360 Programme

Please see document below for more information:

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