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Seatown sail on a glorious day!

Seatown sail on a glorious day!

There was a beautiful mist hanging over the valleys on our journey to Portland but by the time we had arrived and were putting on our wetsuits for a sailing lesson, the sun had broken through making it a perfect day to be on the water. [gallery...

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Forest School Challenge

As part of our outside learning over the past 2 weeks, we have been challenged to create a means of collecting and transporting water. We created a shadow, a method of collecting water that is still used today in places like Egypt. [gallery...

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Guide dogs visit

Guide dogs visit

This afternoon, we had a visit from the guide dog charity. We were introduced to 7 dogs and their trainers, as well as Geoff, who is visually impaired and who brought along his own guide dog, Pringle. We heard how important a guide dog is for someone who is unable to...

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PGL, Osmington 2024

PGL, Osmington 2024

On a very cold and windy April day, Seatown Class set off for their long awaited residential trip to PGL at Osmington Bay, Weymouth. Once we'd arrived, we began our activities - fencing and the zip wire. We played the...

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Inflatable golf!

Inflatable golf!

Having enjoyed a term of golf in the spring, we thought it would be fun to end the work with a bit of inflatable golf! On an unusually sunny afternoon, all of KS2 enjoyed playing the course in groups and as individuals. Various challenges were set and lots of fun was...

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Cogden’s Violin Concert 21.3.24

For the last 10 weeks, Cogden Class have been learning how to play the violin with Mrs Ely as part of Dorset Music Service's provision in schools. We had so much fun learning how to hold the violin, the bow, how to bow and pluck. We hope you are impressed with our...

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Pancake Races 2024

Pancake Races 2024

It may have been a bit later than Shrove Tuesday, but we like our traditions at Powerstock. You can eat a pancake at any time of the year and we did just that in the morning. And, why not have pancake races halfway through Lent?!! We had...

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Seatown World Book Day 2024

Seatown World Book Day 2024

Seatown thoroughly enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day this year. It was lovely to see children dress up in characters well-known as well as those less obvious. It shows how varied our reading material is. [gallery...

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Last Day of term 2023 – Christmas continues

Last Day of term 2023 – Christmas continues

Seatown enjoyed the last day of term with a Christmas party like no other! The first game involved the 2 teams to 'move across the snow' in their sleigh. Which sleigh had the best tracks and could travel the fastest? The snow then needed 'shovelling' to clear a path...

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A present for the baby …December 2023

A present for the baby …December 2023

Burton Class enjoyed performing their Christmas Play 'A present for the baby.'   We hope that you enjoy watching these short videos.

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