School Council
Our school council represents the views of our pupils. By working collaboratively to discuss issues important to them, pupils are able to share and exchange ideas and make democratic decisions. By ensuring that their voices are heard, they are able to make a valued and vital contribution to the school and the local community.
Powerstock School Council Mission Statement
‘Education should prepare children to live responsibly and peacefully in a free society.’ Article 29, The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
School Council
To thank the school council for their work this year (and a respond to a request!), governors brought in some delicious chocolate cake for their last meeting! Thank you governors - it was lovely.
Paper waste – School Council
Today the council chose these posters to go next to wash hand basins in school with the message - take no more than 2 paper towels. Â Children designed their posters over half term to help us reduce the amount of paper waste being thrown out each week. We aim to go...