
“97% of parents say their child feels safe at this school”

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Powerstock School is Nick Harris Headteacher  

Deputy DSL is Joanna Cleden.

The Safeguarding link governor is Wendy Morris. 

Please contact the office on 01308 485380 or email: with any queries or for further information.

The safety of children at Powerstock CE VA School is a priority for all staff.  Everyone in school understands their primary duty to safeguard all the children in their care.

Knowledge through training and working in an embedded safeguarding culture means that each and every child’s wishes are put first.

Staff training is regularly updated to ensure that children are protected from abuse or neglect.  We know we have a responsibility to be aware of any child at risk and know how to pass on any concerns to someone who will act to protect them.  We work in partnership with the Pan Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership.


Our staff and governors have been trained on safeguarding in line with the Keeping Children Safe in Education and take part in regular safeguarding updates to ensure everyone is secure with their duty regarding child protection and the prevent duty. 

Governors work hard to ensure that the school is a safe and happy place to be and our Safeguarding link governor Wendy Morris conducts a monitoring visit each term to ensure that all records and practise are in place.

If you have concern surrounding a child’s safety outside school please contact our Children’s Advice and Duty Service (ChAD) on 01305 228866.

We work closely with the Dorset Safeguarding Schools Board.  Please have a look at this link for detailed information:


Additional Safeguarding Resources:



Keeping children safe online | NSPCC