We were excited to welcome back Mrs Mundy to school and spend a day with us learning French, speaking and listening to stories and learning a bit about French food culture.
We began with a welcome song, learning how to say ‘hello’ to others.
We then learnt about the importance of baguettes in everyday life in France and how they are made. Did you know that each person eats half a baguette every day. That means that 320 are being eaten every second and 10 billion are consumed every year? We watched videos about how they are made………

……before we learnt how to ask for a baguette or croissant and other pastries in our own shop. We asked so politely and the food was so tempting that not a lot was left!

To help us speak French well, we started with a warm up activity which was great fun although our jaws ached!

Mrs Mundy read us a French story ‘Trois courageux petits gorilles’ and encouraged us to join in with the words and actions. It was a LOT of fun!

Finally, we ended the day with a few French songs before we said ‘Au revoir’…..until next time!