In assembly, we listened to Mrs Cleden read the Easter story before completing 3 more activities to help us focus on different aspects of the meaning of Easter.
We planted seeds and thought about Jesus giving life to us…
We designed flags that included olive branches (a symbol of peace) just as Eritrea, Cyprus and the United Nations flags do and thought about how Jesus might represent peace…
We created collage birds, insects and animals and thought about how God provides for us…
As part of our work, we focused on some Bible verses and thought about what they could mean.
Journey sticks (from the activity the day before). Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Guide me through the dark times when I’m struggling. (Y5)
Jesus is the light to my heart. You’re my best friend. Help me, defend me. (Y3)
He came back to life after he was dead. (YR)
He sets this path out for you. He illuminates it step by step. (Y5)
Jesus is the Light of the World. He helps us see where the path is. Jesus can help us through tricky situations. (Y5)
Planting seeds: Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him. (Colossians 2:7
Our thoughts:
You have to trust him with your life, like you have to trust the roots.
A flower is safe and sturdy due to the roots being in a safe place.
‘Built on him,’ means you can build your lives on what Jesus has done.
If you water the roots, that keeps Jesus’ love alive – sharing it.
Jesus represents the soil. Roots grow down into him.
Jesus is a good, nourishing soil.
Our love grows in him and towards him.
If we are the flower and God is the seed, it’s like he’s healing us.
Watering us to grow with compassion, truthfulness and perseverance.
Flags of peace: Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10)
Out thoughts:
God guides us. We don’t question his will.
When you relax. He can be in your mind a lot easier when you’re calm.
Stop and do a prayer up.
Take a moment and think there’s some peace somewhere.
Take a moment and wherever you go, God is always with you.
Be still because God can see you wherever you step.
Be still and think about how we can save the planet.
Keep going with everything you have to do.
Collage wildlife: I have come that you may have life, life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)
Life in all its colour, shapes and sizes.
Life has everything, it can’t get any better
Life does include the bad things.
You can’t fit anything else in.
Very bit of life is like a fish tank; it’s full to the top.
Life has everything. It can’t get any better.