Despite the beautiful weather we had all June, Sports Day was the wet one!! Amidst occasional mizzle, we set out, determined to be the best that we could be.
Individual races began with the ‘Potato and Spoon’ which proved to be trickier than we thought.
This was followed by the sack race, providing entertainment for those watching and then the skipping and flat races.
The team races brought on the second half of the afternoon. It began with the relay race but walking was the order of the day as the grass became more slippery.
Finally, as if we hadn’t had enough water, we played two water races: Soggy Sponge and then Holey Bowly.
We all had so much fun and there were lots of smiling faces and real team support for each other going on throughout the afternoon. We really did see our school prayer in action…..’Help us to learn from each other, support each other and be the best that we can be!’ After totting up the scores in the rain…..
the winning girl was Phoebe,
the winning boy was Noah.
The sports person of the day for bravery, determination and participation was Imogen who won the Ryan Buckerfield Cup.
The winning team was Blue.
Congratulations everyone! What a wonderful way to end the week!