Seatown Class


Seatown class is the home for Year 5 and 6 pupils and is led by Key Stage 2 teacher, Mrs Jo Cleden and is aptly located at the top of the school in a beautiful new classroom created as part of the school rebuild in 2011.

In Seatown class, pupils are encouraged to take more responsibility for their own learning and homework in readiness for secondary school.  Pupils in Years 5 and 6 often take on formal ‘Sports Leaders’ roles in selected play-times, are mentors for the lower school and balance preparation for end of year exams with a wide curriculum including plenty of sports competitions, curriculum-linked trips and the ever-popular annual sailing experience!


Recent Learning

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The PGL Abseiling Wall

The PGL Abseiling Wall

This challenge required trust and technique Learning how to jump against the wall with our feet. At times we felt quite nervous But the safety harness held us. There was nothing to fear. Take a look at some of our achievements.

PGL Rifle Shooting

PGL Rifle Shooting

This was a new activity for us. We learnt about the air rifles and how to use the sight line to aim accurately at the target. We learnt what the different parts of the rifle were called and how to cock the barrel. Setting up the targets Setting up the targets Cocking...

PGL Wacky Races

PGL Wacky Races

One of our evening events was 90 minutes of weird and wonderful races in teams. The first race was all about trying to throw as many shoes into hoops. This was followed by trying to build the tallest tower of shoes! Finally the race was on...

The Trapeze at PGL

The Trapeze at PGL

This activity proved to be very challenging. It involved climbing up a pole to a platform before climbing onto it and jumping off it and hitting a buoy suspended nearby. Some of us felt very worried beforehand. If we weren’t climbing, we were learning to belay. This...

The PGL Climbing Wall

The PGL Climbing Wall

Being one of our earlier challenges the wall looked daunting as we harnessed up and then warmed our bodies up with a game. And then we were off, with some of us finding the wall more of a challenge than others. Sometimes it was pretty scary and we needed the support...

The PGL Low Ropes Course

The PGL Low Ropes Course

Although we felt this might have been an easy activity, we quickly realised that we need the support and trust of others. We began the session with a series of games to build our trust in each other. Could we possibly run through the line, trusting our friends to drop...

The PGL Campfire

The PGL Campfire

The evening activity on the first night involved singing songs, listening to stories and even acting out parts of the story.

PGL – Street Surfing

PGL – Street Surfing

This was a very tricky activity that began with none of us being able to step and balance on the board. However, an hour and a half later, many of us were able to travel some metres independently. It wasn’t as easy as we thought…. ……especially when we confused the...

PGL – The Zip Wire!

PGL – The Zip Wire!

We began by learning how to put on a safety harness. A lot of team work and support was needed Grace was told to have ‘zombie’ arms Sometimes you needed brute strength to tighten the straps Not sure the instructor had nailed his technique! And then the exhilarating...

Seatown’s PGL Adventure April 2022

Seatown’s PGL Adventure April 2022

Our residential, outdoor education trip took place after 2 years of lockdown and it was definitely worth waiting for! We stayed for 3 days at the Osmington Bay, Weymouth centre with the aim of working together as a strong team, supporting each other and stepping out...

Colmer’s Hill Fun Run 2nd April 2022

Colmer’s Hill Fun Run 2nd April 2022

On a beautiful sunny and not too cold morning, 13 pupils from Year 4 to Year 6 took part in a fun run at Symondsbury. 33 girls in total took part in the first race. A bit of limbering up… Ready? We’re looking forward to this! And we’re off! Less than 10 minutes later,...

The Easter story and Art

As part of our RE unit looking at the Easter story, Seatown have been thinking about the different ways in which the story can be interpreted. These included ‘Bearing a burden’, ‘Lost’, ‘Stepping in’ and ‘Taking someone’s place’. We then used paints to create images...

Science Day 22.3.22

Science Day 22.3.22

“What is space?” I asked KS2. Introduction to our day in space. First we learnt that space is a difficult and dangerous place to be and constantly expanding meaning the position of planets and galaxies is always changing. We realised how important a space suit is to...

Solidarity with Ukraine

Solidarity with Ukraine

Today the whole school dressed up in blue and yellow - the colours of the Ukrainian flag - to show our support for the whole Ukrainian community and demonstrate some of our school values, notably compassion and generosity. We spent time thinking about the positive...

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares

Today we explored the world of stories in years 4, 5 and 6. Nick, Jan, Ambs and Raja visited us in school and took us on a story writing journey. We began the morning creating a collaborative story together but were rudely interrupted by the phone ringing….it was the...

World Book Day in Seatown March 2022

World Book Day in Seatown March 2022

Seatown Class came to school dressed as characters from books and enjoyed a variety of activities such as paired reading with children in Burton Class, creating bunting for our book corner and creating book reviews of our favourite stories. Characters we dressed up as...

Chasing pancakes!

Chasing pancakes!

We managed our traditional pancake races despite the looming rain! Reception were given a helping hand from Years 5 and 6 and lots of fun was had. We even managed to eat a pancake or two!