Cogden Latest News

Cogden: Rosh Hashana Learning Journey

Cogden: Rosh Hashana Learning Journey

Week Beginning: 27th January 2025 This week, our pupils in Cogden have embarked on an enriching exploration of the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah. Through this cultural journey, they have not only gained a deeper understanding of this significant celebration but...

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Guide dogs visit

Guide dogs visit

This afternoon, we had a visit from the guide dog charity. We were introduced to 7 dogs and their trainers, as well as Geoff, who is visually impaired and who brought along his own guide dog, Pringle. We heard how important a guide dog is for someone who is unable to...

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Inflatable golf!

Inflatable golf!

Having enjoyed a term of golf in the spring, we thought it would be fun to end the work with a bit of inflatable golf! On an unusually sunny afternoon, all of KS2 enjoyed playing the course in groups and as individuals. Various challenges were set and lots of fun was...

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Cogden’s Violin Concert 21.3.24

For the last 10 weeks, Cogden Class have been learning how to play the violin with Mrs Ely as part of Dorset Music Service's provision in schools. We had so much fun learning how to hold the violin, the bow, how to bow and pluck. We hope you are impressed with our...

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Christmas continues at Powerstock

Christmas continues at Powerstock

This morning we enjoyed making Christingles together. We learnt that the idea began in Germany over 300 years ago when the bishop felt that people were forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. If you don't know, ask one of the children! [gallery...

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Carol Singing in Bucky Doo Square

Carol Singing in Bucky Doo Square

Christmas is fast approaching so half the school gathered in Bucky Doo Square to entertain the crowds with some carol singing. And then we were on! Enjoy! And there's nothing quite like a hotdog after...

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A visit from the Benedetti Foundation

A visit from the Benedetti Foundation

On the 11th October, KS2 hosted a visit from the Nicola Benedetti Foundation. This gave us all an opportunity to meet people who are so passionate about music, learn some skills from them and listen to their compositions on instruments we had never seen before being...

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Goodbye, Mrs Greenham, Goodbye, Mrs Seal!

Today we held our Leavers' assembly for 2 very special ladies - Mrs Greenham and Mrs Seal, who have been a part of our special Powerstock family for 8 and 20 years respectively. Each class had fun contributing in their own individual ways. And of course the personal...

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Here are some photos of our dress rehearsal today. The children were all fantastic and everyone is so excited to show you our 2023 play Peter Pan.

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Cogden’s ukulele concert 12.7.23

Cogden’s ukulele concert 12.7.23

After 10 weeks learning the ukulele, Cogden Class put on a wonderful performance as a class (Green Green Grass) before some children played solos of the Harry Potter Theme, Pirates of the Caribbean and Happy Birthday! ...

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KS2 Sports Day 30th June 2023

KS2 Sports Day 30th June 2023

Despite the beautiful weather we had all June, Sports Day was the wet one!! Amidst occasional mizzle, we set out, determined to be the best that we could be. Individual races began with the 'Potato and Spoon' which proved to be trickier than we thought. [gallery...

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Phone box revamp!

Phone box revamp!

The school council had a very messy afternoon today when they scrubbed and cleaned the village phone box.  The Parish Council have given the school permission to use the box but it needed a serious clean up!  Kyla provided the...

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Goodbye, Mrs Moss!

Goodbye, Mrs Moss!

Yesterday we said a sad farewell to Mrs Moss who has worked as our governor, Chair of Governors and office staff member. She has so many skills that have benefitted our school. Jo, we will definitely miss you!

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Lifeguards and Water Safety Assembly 25.4.23

Lifeguards and Water Safety Assembly 25.4.23

This morning our assembly welcomed Harry and Christian, 2 lifeguards from West Bay into our school. They shared with us how we can stay safe when we are at the beach. Read the captions to find out what we learnt.  [gallery...

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RAF STEM Glider Challenge March 2023

RAF STEM Glider Challenge March 2023

Ks2 enjoyed a virtual STEM glider challenge. We watched a video showing the many different types of jobs engineers can be involved in and the skills that they need: teamwork, problem solving, creativity, innovation, communication skills. Did you know that engineers...

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Wonderstruck Science Day

Wonderstruck Science Day

On Friday 27th January 2023, the whole school were treated to a whole day of science. We had opportunities to explore forces and motion and gained a glimpse into the questioning minds of scientists. It began with a show that had us gripped as we discovered:  how we...

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Christmas Party 2022

Christmas Party 2022

We had a lot of fun on the last day of term. KS2 enjoyed a party together. Pass the Parcel: Each layer had an activity to's a bit of air guitar!! The hat game was fun too.... [gallery...

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Bridport Christmas Cheer!

Bridport Christmas Cheer!

On Wednesday 7th December, over half of the school (34 students) joined together in Bucky Doo Square to sing Christmas carols. We sang 3 songs: We 3 Kings - a traditional Christian song; The 12 Days of Christmas - a traditional secular song and Mary's Boy Child - a...

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Sports For Champions

Sports For Champions

Today, Pierre Henry Fontaine a former team GB basketball player visited our school to encourage and inspire us - not just in sport but in our attitudes to the many aspects of life we all experience.  He began by sharing some information about his training, diet and...

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Children in Need 2022

Children in Need 2022

We all turned up to school in spotty attire as we got involved in Children in Need 2022. The theme was spots and during an assembly we had the opportunity to be 'spotacular' for 1 minute and take the spotlight, sharing our own talents. [gallery...

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The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares 3rd October 2022

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares 3rd October 2022

After an initial think about what books we like reading and why we like reading, we pooled our ideas about what a story needs. Then we began suggesting ideas for characters, their wishes and a challenge that they had. We voted for our favourites before we began some...

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KS2 Sports Day July 6th 2022

KS2 Sports Day July 6th 2022

After a reschedule due to the weather, the KS2 sports day got underway with a series of races. The egg and potato races…. The sack race… Skipping… And the flat race…. All watched by a supportive crowd of parents and other family members. Then came the team games The...

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Using Scratch

Using Scratch

We had fun presenting our names on Scratch today.  We investigated sounds, background, sizing, effects and colour all through coding. Zoom in to read the names! 

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Quad kids 28.6.22

Quad kids 28.6.22

On a blustery June afternoon children were selected to compete in the athletics competition at Colfox School. 4 boys and 4 girls made up the team. They took part in some running… Some throwing and jumping…… And then we waited for the results. Congratulations, Phoebe!...

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School Council

School Council

To thank the school council for their work this year (and a respond to a request!), governors brought in some delicious chocolate cake for their last meeting! Thank you governors - it was lovely.

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Belle, the ex-police dog

Belle, the ex-police dog

Cogden had a fluffy visitor this week in the form of Belle! She is an ex police dog and belongs to our governor Wendy and is very good at listening to children read! They all had fun reading aloud to a very patient Belle who was interested in everything from Harry...

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KS2 trip to Exeter mosque

KS2 trip to Exeter mosque

After our visit to the cathedral, we walked to the other end of the city to visit the mosque. It was a fascinating contrast to the cathedral. Before we entered the building, the girls covered their heads with a headscarf as a mark of respect to the Muslim god, Allah....

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KS2 trip to Exeter Cathedral

KS2 trip to Exeter Cathedral

We spent a wonderful day on Monday 13th June 2022. On a lovely, warm summer’s day we began our visit at the Cathedral. We began with a look at the outside, noticing the statues of kings and saints. We heard about the gruesome story of St Bartholemew and why St Peter...

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Art Morning

Art Morning

The class had great fun and improved their art skills in our whole school Art morning.

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Whole School Art Morning

Whole School Art Morning

We had a whole school Art morning on Thursday. Every class worked on their observational drawing skills. Drawing fruit and vegetables has a long history. The children looked at the works of famous artists such as Caravaggio, Cezanne and Duncanson to inspire them. Huge...

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More French…

We began the day with a welcome song We enjoyed singing some French songs at the end of the day.

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Cogden French day

Cogden French day

We enjoyed learning new songs, stories and eating lovely French pastries! Merci Madame Mundy! Cogden enjoyed taking part in Aboie Georges, singing some new game songs and using their conversational French to ask for pastries. They enjoyed du pain au chocolate, du pain...

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Platinum Jubilee Tea Party May 26th 2022

Platinum Jubilee Tea Party May 26th 2022

This year marks a ‘once in a lifetime’ anniversary - the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. She has sat on the throne for 70 years and dedicated her whole life to serving our country. To celebrate such a magnificent milestone, we decided to do a little something for our...

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Manor Farm, North Poorton Visit

Manor Farm, North Poorton Visit

KS2 visited a local farm as part of our’Field to Plate’ topic. It was an opportunity to learn about some of the farm methods used and compare them to farming from 200 years ago. First we walked around the farm. We visited the sheep and learnt about how to care for...

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